Saturday, November 6, 2010

Some Samples from Sophie Calle's Body of Work


  1. These are oddly personal. Yet, everyone seems uncomfortable, like the woman with her breasts (seems like she just has them out because there's nothing better to do). Or the woman at the end, like she needs that pillow to feel safe or comfortable. Weird.

  2. I really like the lines in the last photo. I am very interested in space/astronomy, and the second thing I noticed after the woman was the telescope, and how it's unusual to have observatories in big cities because of all the light pollution. The woman looks very out of place there as well, and it was an interesting comparison to me.

  3. i like the varying levels of intimacy apparent in the photos n' i'm wondering how much was intentional vs unintentional.

  4. I like the photograph of the wedding party because its absurd that a wedding party is shooting on the steps in the rain, the umbrellas add this sense of hilarity

  5. these seem very broad in subject, like someone was shooting all day, but still tied together in the way that they are composed, and the enviroment that the are set in. I like the group on the steps, but I'd like to see it larger for sure

  6. these are all very broad, and the only thing that seems to unite them is that they all have human subjects. there are a wide range of styles and feelings portrayed with these photographs, which means that your work should have a great deal of diversity, and i look forward to viewing it.

  7. These photographs have a sort of award tension to them. I had trouble picking up on a consistent theme throughout though. Most of them look like snapshots however. I'm interested to see how you adapted her style.

  8. Are photos 1 and 5 images from a galley or pictures she took of her photos in a gallery? That may be a silly question. Excluding the phone both photos, the fluid contours of Calle's work attract me, visually and, um, physically. Strange word choice, but what I am trying to say is that I want to trace my hands against the 'wavy' shapes created in these images. These all seem to come from very different places.

  9. Her work seems very deserve in style so it will be interesting to see what aspects stuck out for you and what guided you for your project.

  10. I really like the sense of personal narrative that the artist seems to put in her work. Normal events that may happen in someones life are given greater important by the beauty of the photo. My favorite is the last one, so original and creative.

  11. I found these interesting in terms of the numbers of figures in each photograph and how that made me respond differently emotionally to them.
